Sunday, January 9

Eccelesiastes 3:4 – a time to weep and a time to LAUGH

I love to laugh. I mean who doesn’t right?! A little chuckle, a big ole roar, a knee slapper, the silent laugh, a giggle, or somewhere in the middle. It’s all good! I think God delights in our laughter, and it’s sweet to imagine him laughing along side of our jokes, fun, and sarcasm.

Laughter can break the ice in an awkward conversation, make your side hurt, allow you to not take yourself to seriously, make the time go faster, make your pants a little wet (yep I said it!), bring you to tears (in a good way of course), lighten the mood, provide that sweet bond in a relationship, and the list goes on and on…

So many of my friends make me laugh so I couldn’t just single out one of them. The list below is a few of those people who have made me laugh in the last couple of days. If you made the cut, congrats and keep the jokes a coming! If you didn’t well I am sure you just slipped my mind or maybe you really aren’t as funny as you think you are. Probably the latter! (Yes, I just said that as well!)

The first 5 names are my beloved Veritas staff co-workers!

Mark Arant – my boss so I have to laugh at him – Kidding! He is funny!

Jeff Thune – his show tunes are the best

Lance Allgood – dry, goofy, or witty humor – he’s got it all

Clint Robinson – what to even say?

Carrie Clement – my co-worker, roommate, and friend who makes me laugh daily

Katie Feekes (friend) – she does great accents

A Biggest Loser contestant – yes, I am addicted

The whole Office cast

Mardy Schaefer (mom) – she knows how to get me

Pete (gym instructor) – actually laughed at an ISU joke towards me

Kerri Myers (friend) – she’s just funny

Joann Baustisa (friend) – I think she laughs at me? either way I still laugh!

Also, here's a picture of memory that still makes me laugh!

You can always count on a good time when you are with my dad and this banana boat ride was no different!

We couldn't stop laughing as our Mexican driver struggled to pull my dad on the boat after he had fallen off. In the midst of pulling him up the driver kept saying, "No mas tacos, No mas tacos!" Even my dad was laughing at this point!

My Dad is also very vocal (laughing & hollering) when riding any sort of "ride" so between falling off and his hollering we could barely breathe this whole boat ride!


  1. Mak,

    I LOVE to laugh.

    It kinda sounds like a goose. Yep, I said that.


  2. yeah!!i made the list!! it was all those tooting jokes at accelerate wasn't it? you, sweet mikaela, are freaking hilarious. you should have put yourself on the list.

  3. I know you think I'm funny....especially while mini-hooping....I am just going to make sure that is a reference in every blog comment I put on here! Love you!

  4. I feel I just didn't make the cut b/c I haven't talked to you in a while. I know I'm hilarious. All I have to say is 210 Run. ;)
