In just a few short days Carrie Lynn Clement will be headed on a plane to China for the summer. For many of you this has no significance whatsoever, BUT for me it's means a whole heck of a lot.
For those of who you don't know Carrie, she is my co-worker, roommate, and most importantly my friend so we do a lot of "life together". I can honestly say it's been a pure blessing and I wouldn't have it any other way.

This is our attempt at remaking the best breakfast we have ever
had from the Yolk restaurant in Chicago.
Carrie and I couldn't be more different than one another which at times has been hard, yet because of it I have learned SO much from her. Here's a little peak into some of those things:
I am better at living in the moment - I think she does this really well!
I've learned what it looks like to be flexible and go with the flow.
I am learning to EMBRACE my emotions - this is still in process:)!
She's a giver of $$$ - this encourages me to do the same.
She genuinely loves people and it shows.
Her heart for the world has rubbed off on me.
She doesn't take herself too seriously.
Nuts in NYC - what else do I say with this?:)
AND she's FUN or at least I have fun when I am with her! This year we went to Indy, NYC, and Chi-town together. It says a lot when you can travel with someone, especially when you normally see them everyday and still want to "vacation" with them!
Here we are on the Subway - yeah, no big deal or
apparently it was a big deal since we felt the need to take a picture.
She's the kind of friend....
- I hope I never lose touch with.
- Will be one of the first to know I am engaged!
- I always want to be praying for.
- I always want to know how I can specifically be praying for her.
- I hope we live in the same place again someday.
- I never want to forget her birthday.
She's the kind of friend....that I refer to as my Best Friend!
All there is to it. Love you, Care Care!